for no discernible reason (have I mentioned that I mostly dislike anagrams?), here is a site that lists 100 anagrams for Honi soit qui mal y pense

(I do like #82: Quit Minneapolis? Oh, yes!)

btw, back several years ago, when Jesse S. ran the word-of-the-day at Random House, he gave this explanation for Honi soit qui mal y pense:

It's French for 'shamed be the person who thinks evil of it'. Supposedly, in the
fourteenth century, Edward III was dancing with the Countess of Salisbury, and her
garter fell off. In response to the snickers of those watching, Edward said "Honi soit
qui mal y pense," and tied the garter around his own leg. The phrase then became the
motto of the order of the garter, which Edward founded.