"In Scotland there exists at least one field, containing at least one sheep, at least one side of which is black." -- - Ian Stewart, Concepts of Modern Mathematics

Mr. Stewart presumably created that joke from following story told of Cordell Hull, who was United States Secretary of State, prominent part-taker in originating the United Nations, and winner of the 1945 Nobel Peace Prize.

Cordell Hull was riding in a train one day, with a companion, through the New England states. His companion, observing a flock of sheep feeding on a hillside his companion idly remarked, "Those sheep have recently been sheared." Cordell Hull stared at them a moment and said, "Well, sheared on this side anyway!"

For data on Hull, see http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1945
The above incident in noted on the net, but I'm unable to get a solid sense of whether it is true or apocryphal.