Thank you, tsuwm, for starting a thread which demonstrates to one and all what AWADTalk was like and is supposed to be like. And, I am confident, will continue to be like once we get over the current unpleasantness and sort out a few things.

A few quick observations, which is all I have time for in a busy period.

ewein, the "titles" which we have don't mean diddly-squat. Anu can't change or get rid of them, for reasons I don't understand, but it's a fact they are built into the structure of the site and can't be changed. We all discovered this a long time ago and many jokes have been made about them. Don't be insulted by what you may (for the moment) be called -- it won't last long, if you write posts.

The suggestions and improved suggestions for a thread or area for new members has merit, but let's all take note of slithytove's plea -- there is much behind it, which has been alluded to and I think we are aware of it.

Lastly, let's remember that this is a site which some of us treasure more than lots of people would believe. For at least one of our members it's a window to a world greatly circumscribed by physical limitations, and I suspect there are others that we have never heard from because they don't post.

In short, I don't believe there are any of the sometimes-maligned old timers group who is not willing, nay eager, to extend a welcoming hand to a new member. We all, old and new, comprise a most honourable company, and the more the merrier. But (here come the caution) the company can't be maintained the way we have come to love it without some self-restraint and organizational guidelines which we have worked out, slowly and carefully, over time and for which there are suggestions which have been duly noted in this discussion. Some new members think these aren't necessary, but, as has been demonstrated lately, a company without some self-discipline and self-regulation becomes a mob. 'nuff said.