Thanks, tsuwm and CapK for your words of wisdom. Also to ewein and mav for their suggestion and development, respectively, of the idea of a "safe area" for new entrants.

At first glance I, too, thought, "What a good idea." But I also see questions that need to be asked. The "regulation" (ugh!) of such an area would have to be self-imposed, as has everything else been, on this board. That being so, is there not a risk that some people will splash around in the shallow end for ever, never "graduating?"

Does this matter?

Is the idea of "graduation" frightening to some people? More frightening than coming in with the big* boys and girls?

How do we stop board members from posting in the reception area, even though they are "long-time graduates?"

Would the provision of two separate "areas" cause just the sort of division that we have steadfastly worked repudiated these past two years?

I am not against the idea, and certainly all in favour of the intention behind it - but these are my thoughts.

*(These analogies are not intended to be offensive - I've just realised that some might read them so: please accept my assurances that they are meant purely as illumination, not as derogatory comment!)