Howye fokes

Fer yer infermation - I have a announcement ta make(this comment is just ta keep me back covered)

I'll tell ye, I'm shaken in me fur writen this, afraid that someone will give out ta poor Ted fer posten in the wrong section. Anyways, as me manners always come furst, and as a Member I have ta show a good example ta them journeymen, I felt that I just had ta thank everyone fer their good wishes on me becomin a member.

Thank ye all very much and fer yer wishes. And fer them what do be questionen me intillict - just remember that intelligince is nothin more than a state of mind.

Be seein ya


PS Is this the right section if ya want ta announce yer burthday or somethin like that? Also, I've just been released from prison after five days hard labour worken in Goldilock's sweat factory where she had me maken silk purses outa sows' ears. Where will I put that?