wordcrazy--oh, I'm SO very glad you're back!! [kiss e]

tsuwm, your X-refer site (you do realize that that is "your" site in my eyes, forever and ever, don't you?) tells me that Barsetshire is connected with two authors. The creator of this mythical county was Anthony Trollope, 1815 - 1882; he wrote six novels known as the Barsetshire novels. Apparently this was the first time that the same characters appeared in more than one book. I found no details on how they might be Proustian. A later author, Angela Margaret Thirkell, 1891 - 1961, wrote no less that thirty novels based on the characters in the original series. Now that I think about it, I do believe it is likely that the sleep-inducing quality may have been ascribed to the second set. I don't think even I would want to read 30 novels about the same characters.