Can anyone help here?

I periodically stumble across this in my handwritten notes notes from my college days (ancient history!).
I have no idea who wrote it. Can anyone help?

The tanned blonde
in the green print sack
in the center of the subway car
though there are seats
has had it from
1 teen-age hood
1 lesbian
1 envious housewife
4 men over fifty
(& myself), in short
the contents of this half of the car

                   Our notations are:
long legs, long waist, high breasts (no bra), long
neck, the model slump
the handbag drape and how the skirt
cuts in under a very handsome
set of cheeks
‘stirring dull roots with spring rain’ sayeth the preacher

               Only a stolid young man
with a blue business suit and the New York Times
does not know he is being assaulted

She has us and we her
all the way to downtown Brooklyn
Over the tunnel and through the bridge
to DeKalb Avenue we go
all very chummy

She stares at the number over the door
and gives no sign
yet the sign is on her.