JazzO, I would submit that people on this board are clearly passionate about more than just words....

I think ewein makes a good point. I know I'm relatively new here too, but I've been reading a lot of posts/threads too (and yes, I saw an earlier flame war or two). It seems to me that there are a LOT of hotheads on this board, not just Keiva. Really, when one is passionate about something, unless one is a complete cold-blooded jellyfish, it's hard NOT to get hotheaded.

So resist all you like: it seems to me a lot of you have more in common with Keiva than you are comfortable acknowledging.

And Keiva, darling, you KNOW I love you (I am your acolyte, your slave, your brainwashed...whatever people want to call me!) - but don't you see, some of them is just pushing your buttons? This is what my parents always called "trying to get a rise." You have done some button-pushing yo'sef. You would come across as the bigger man if you could put 'em on "ignore."

I know this all started with the Wordapalooza kerfuffle. I take people's point that it started public and migrated to private - but honestly, it has not been kept private enough. Here I was, thinking it was open to everyone, and keen to attend. Now I realize I probably wouldn't be welcome either, because I like Keiva.

But I also like of_troy, and Jackie, and milum, and JazzOctopus, and Angel and wwh and marylynncorder and stales and Rubrick and and and (apologies to the many I have missed listing but who I really like as well!) - AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? It means there is one thing you ALL have in common with Keiva: that I likes yez!

And I likes this new chickie-babe, ewein. I like the cut of your jib, woman. Welcome to the board. This was quite the post to leap in on - talk about a trial by fire!

smooches and squeezes to all