Helen, no one suggested that you made a major edit of content: you quite properly adhered to your position. And you quite properly toned down language that you yourself agreed, upon reflection, was excessive. Good on you on both counts.

Post-edit after LIU, to be specific on the compliment: Helen, you were mature enough to correct yourself when you concluded that you'd gone over the line (after all, nobody's perfect). And belM, I see that you did the same the next day, in the same thread, so the same compliment goes to you.

Good on both you ladies. Faldage, I'd commend this as an example of how rudeness does indeed occur but can be well handled.

http://wordsmith.org/board/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=words&Number=43881 (Helen on 10/18 at 18:49; belM the next day)