... why this board does not have a hammer, like other chat boards (no answer); some of the language was filthy, to say the least.

This board doesn't have a hammer, because there is no need for one as long as people (and most do) exercise self-control. By self-control I mean just that. Understanding and following the context of a "discussion board" - vs - "chat room" would be all that is required, but that, IMHO, is where the real problem lies (or is that "lays" ). Also IMHO there is no such thing as "filthy" language. Words are words. There may be inappropriate times to use them, but that is a matter for discusion here (whaddya know). There are sensitivities that are respected when respect is given to all perspectives from the "get go".

This is not a "chat board", and I repeat, this is where any and all "problems" have risen from: the inability, lack of inclination or just not knowing to the difference between them. What you may have noticed recently (ewein - I don't know how far back you have read) is that there are a few posters who continually refer to the deeds and tones, yet not to the words being used or the meaning of the words or anything at all about the words.

I've said it before "The only stucture people need is self-control", but it's not the only "thing" they need. An understanding of the context they are in is another big one... this requiures time and patience, something "chatting" doesn't allow.