Ahhhh. Wordapalooza is a PRIVATE event.

Then, as caradea suggested, it SHOULD NOT be discussed publicly on the board. Yet, it has been.

How to go back?

Perhaps everyone should just IGNORE THIS THREAD. Then Sparteye should PM those she wishes to invite - and that group of people can correspond by PM, and not tease the rest of us with what is, apparently, the jolly get-together of an exclusive clique.

Meanwhile: Does anyone WANT to come to Kingston for a gathering? Like I said before, I myself can't offer to put people up (except, of course, for my harem, and Angel, who is going to research said harem with me ) - but there are many, many places to stay in Kingston, most very close together, many on the water, many pleasing B&Bs, and as previously mentioned, the exchange rate is shockingly in favour of almost anyone who chose to show up (how did the Cdn dollar get so low, how?!). Kingston's a pretty town and there's plenty to see and do. Could be great fun!

So is there interest Out There On The Board for a truly inclusive gathering? in Kingston, I mean? (cos I wouldn't be organizing it anywhere else!) Have a look on a map of North America - we is at the eastern-most end of Lake Ontario (easternmost of the Great Lakes), at the confluence of three waterways: Lake Ontario, the St Lawrence River, and the Rideau Canal. We're just a two-hour drive from Ottawa, the nation's capital - you could pop on up there after Openpalooza and have a look around!
