I haven't been over the board since being AWOL from AWAD for a few days, so don't know what new vitriol has been splashed around.....But I have to add my two cents's worth here:

I love Keiva. He's never been anything but nice to me. In fact, mostly I likes people when I meet them. But I don't like it when people are crude, bullying children either - I had enough of that when I was a shy, put-upon child myself.

So if Keiva's not welcome at Wordapalooza!, I won't be there myself. Maybe he - and anyone else on the board who cares to join him - can pop up to Kingston for some peace love and harmony avec moi. Same weekend....But I can't offer to put everyone up unless people want to get to know each other very, very well indeed....(small apartment!) Still, maybe I can talk my darling Mumsy into putting up some folks....

Peace love harmony, people. [hippie dippie flower child-e]