Connie, a quiet reply to you. I wouldn't bring this up, but for the fact that mav brought it up in his "fastuous git" thread.

You'll recall that on February 19 a rather heavy barrage of f-bombs rained upon my head (spammer thread). By your own statement, the conversation you quote was two days later; the later cannot be the cause or justification of the earlier. Non post hoc, ergo non proper hoc.

In that context, what you quote is pretty clear. I was understandable hurt and offended by the f-bombs, but I had the good sense to talk out my anger with a purported friend, instead of putting it on the board. Wouldn't you say that's a remarkably restrained attitude -- and that it contrasts with those who did vent their anger on the board?

[Aside: Connie, don't you recall that we had agreed months previously, in our conversations, that all we talked about -- your hurts, quite as much as mine -- would be strictly confidential?]