in many parts of africa, the word Fu-Fu is used for manioc. I don't know if manioc is native to africa, or an imported crop, but like peanuts (imported from americas) it has become a basic staple. (fu fu is a swahili word, so it has some links to arabic)

Fu-fu is the name for the prepared food.. i don't know if the tubers in the ground are called the same thing.. (curiously peanut are called ground nuts.. grind them into a paste, (peanut butter) and they are still ground nuts.)

manioc is a very poor food source. it has very low protein (lower even than rice or potatos, foods we don't even consider good sources of protein!) and it is rather rich in cyanide.. not so rich as apricot kernal pits (bitter almonds) higher than most.

but as AnnaS points out, it is very long keeping, easy to grow, survives drought, etc...

an african friend here, looking for something like it, swore by instant mashed potatoes,(the cheapest brands) made with water, no milk or butter, and an extra dollop of potato starch added, to make the potatoes blander and starchier. the better quality instant potatoes were to smooth, creamy and flavorful!