You're right about kids being forthright; however, I disagree strongly that they're not being insulting. (That you are mature enough not to take offense at a child's observations is good, but irrelevant.) They are not always trying to be insulting, but very often are.

All you gotta do is watch the he-said/she-said for a little while to realize that very often the kids say things that are truly mean, sometimes knowing full well that it's mean, but very often not realizing it until it's pointed out to them. Further, kids very easily get their feelings hurt. A lot of the turmoil they go through, though, is learning that "Yes, words can be hurtful. I should be careful what I say and how I say it. I know this because I've gotten my own feelings hurt and didn't like." Well, this is the theory anyway. I was always a slow learner.
