Thanks zootsuit! Glad to see you're still here.

Okey dokey - this raises some more questions for me:


Am I missing something here? What is the relevance of this statement? I understand the rhyming connection with "nark" (more about that later) but why would someone say this? How did it become the basis for the rhyming slang? I'm not explaining myself very well here ... I just don't understand why someone would say "Oh look at the grass in the park." Was there something fascinating about the grass?

copper's nark. This is possibly from the Romany nak for nose.

Ok, more about this please... I understand the "narc(otic)" connection on the US side of things, but what's the deal on the Brit side of the pond. Is the nark/nose connection correct? So a grass is actually a nose? I suppose that works.

Ok, I'll stop rambling now! But it is a word post!
