For photo of modern Blucher shoe as offered by Brooks Bros.

It's an advert but ... since the item isn't currently available I don't feel its toooo commercial for the Board!

Another link says : The laced ankle boot we know associate with modern militaria originated from the Blucher shoe which was based on a boot worn by Prince of Wahlstadt, Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher, a Prussian field Marshall. His popularity was second only to Wellington as a hero of the battle of Waterloo. The blucher or derby was a high cut shoe with a tongue cut in one piece with the forepart and fastened with laces. Women's boots were a modified version of men's footwear designed for equestrian persuit.
For picture of early Blucher click
About 1/3 way down in "Eighteenth Century" and zip down to small picture in color red!