I want to know some words related to the theatre, I have found some in the archive. Can any one offer me other words.

I would like to know the word describing a balcony viewing that protrudes from a wall in some theaters?

Some words from the archive:

Impresario (im-pruh-SAR-ee-o) noun

1. An organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as
A ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.

2. Any manager or director.

Buskin (BUS-kin) noun

1. A thick-soled, laced boot, reaching to knee or calf, worn by actors
of ancient Greek and Roman tragedies. Also known as cothurnus.

2. A tragic drama.

Dramaturg (DRAM-uh-turj) noun, also dramaturge or dramaturgist

1. A playwright, especially one affiliated with a specific theater

2. A member of a theater company staff who selects, edits, and adapts
plays for performance, and writes program notes.

Proscenium (pro-SEE-nee-uhm) noun

The part of the stage that is in front of the curtain.

Odeum (oh-DEE-uhm) noun, plural odea

1. A theater or concert hall.

2. A roofed building in ancient Greece and Rome used for theatrical