...packets of 11... Why don't they - and Life Savers - make packets of 12?

Class Cynic checking in here.

I suspect they _did_ once upon a time, and then the downsize-the-product-to-save-money process picked up speed. There was only so much they could make the objects smaller without inciting consumer revolt, and eventually the number-in-a-package had to be reduced too, and here we are.

Anyone seen a one-pound can of coffee lately? Or maybe a one-pound jar of peanut butter? LOL. I stopped counting at 15, er, 14, no, make that 13, no, 12 ounces. Or is it eleven or ten by now? I know, I know, and my father used to relate how milk used to cost eight cents a quart, and I would roll my eyes...Lessons of History again, I guess