> much easier to say "phospholes" than "a class of blah blah blah" every time you want to talk about them.

In one sense, I agree. It is of course more succinct to say 'phospholes', 'compactification', 'tcpip', or 'scsi interface' etc, rather than start at Adam and Eve - and that's fine if you have some idea of the knowledge that the person listen to you, or reading your material has. In the end though, how many people, even those working in the respective fields really know what their talking about, exactly. A great field to just jargonize your way through is philosophy. All you have to do is mention nominalism, instrumentalism and a handful of posteriori truths, and sure enough, most people think you have some idea what your talking about. Dropping a few names of some respected, but a tad obscure composers often has a similar effect when chatting to people about music.
Jargon is dangerous in the hands of a good blagger!