Today's Word reminded me of "prunes and prisms". When I looked that up I was directed to a Bartleby site where I found this:

AFFECTATION; affectedness &c. adj.; acting a part &c. v.; pretense
(falsehood) [See Falsehood], (ostentation) [See Ostentation]; boasting [See
Boasting]; charlatanism, quackery, shallow profundity.
pretension, airs, pedantry, pedantism, purism, precisianism, stiffness,
formality, buckram; prunes and prisms; euphuism; teratology (altiloquence)
[See Ornament].
prudery, demureness, mock modesty, minauderie [F.], sentimentalism;
mauvaise honte [F.], false shame.
mannerism, simagrée [F.], grimace.
FOPPERY, dandyism, man millinery, coxcombry, coquetry, puppyism,
AFFECTER or affector, performer, actor; pedant, pedagogue, doctrinaire,
purist, euphuist, mannerist; grimacier [rare]; lump of affectation, précieuse
ridicule [F.], bas bleu [F.], blue stocking, poetaster; prig; charlatan
(deceiver) [See Deceiver]; petit maître [F.] (fop) [See Fop]; flatterer [See
Flatterer]; coquette, prude, puritan, precisian, formalist.

Two words I didn't see were "precious" meaning excessively euphuistic, and "préciocité" meaning much the same thing.
Who wants to volunteer a definition of "prunes and prisms"?