>I did offer to let a group of kids watch Shrek in my house recently, not having any idea that some parents don't want their kids watching it. It just didn't occur to me. Fortunately, a little girl spoke up. I wasn't being manipulative, though, just thoughtless.

I've only seen this film whilst half asleep over Christmas. Did I miss something? What is there to object to?

We've become regular cinema goers in the last year and our newly teenage children have become used to the flexible age game. We took them to see Billy Elliot, Bridget Jones, Oceans Elven and several other "15" films in the last year. I'd rather make my own decisions about what is suitable. They are pretty broad minded and since TV seem to think it is OK to show lesbian weddings (in Friends) at 6pm and they are allowed to stay up past the nine pm watershed there is little that hasn't been discussed at home or at school (these days complete with graphic illustrations and free samples). Most of the teen fiction that they read seems to cover the same ground although I'd love them to get onto soemthing a little more meaty. I was reading Solzenitzen at their age and I still have bad dreams from seeing "Midnight Express". Gratuitous violence isn't to my taste, so our DVD collection stops short there. Last night I hade the misfortune to see the last half hour of "Scream" on TV. I know that it is a spoof but I'm still not wild about it.