there is nothing that somebody somewhere doesn't find objectionable.
I think you've hit the nail on the head, wofa. To my shame, I have no idea whether my children's school system has banned certain things or not. I do know that, every so often, they'll bring home a slip that says, in effect, "The class is going to be studying XYZ. XYZ has ABC in it, that some parents in the past have found objectionable. If you do, we have an alternate work available."

I wonder, FF, if perhaps the reason you tend not to read women writers is that so often they tend to focus on emotional interactions, just as in conversations*? I think you guys, in general, tend to want to focus on the deed getting accomplished, and have less interest in the why. Note: I am not asserting that this is the way most women write--I've never made a conscious comparison. I do know that, to me, "romance novels" are not worth reading, and even in "real" novels, I can only take so much of 'Mary was in a dark mood, wondering if her love had deserted her'.

*Yeah, okay, I do this myself, depends on who I'm talking to. I do pretty good "guy talk" when I want to!:-)
And I can keep my mouth shut, too, if that seems to be my companion's way. Silence doesn't bother me at all. I'd much rather people take my silence as indicative that I am a fool, than to open my mouth and remove all doubt. Though I've done that, too, on occasion...sigh.