it would be alot easier to chelate your body..

this gets into chemisty (not one of my strong points) but certain chemicals, say carbon monoxide, actually do a better job of linking to the Oxygen receptors in you blood than oxygen. so your body will actually soak up CO, rather than oxygen.

some heavy metal do the same thing, and displace calcium, or magnesium or other elements your body needs.

chelating is a process that helps your body get rid of the bad metals, (ie lead, mercury, chromium, etc,) by offering form of good elements that replace them.. ) they can be pretty un-paletable, (unless, you like me, like me, the chalky taste of tums) but not really gross.

i am sure one of the good doctors, or scientist can give more precise or detailed info. Lead is an issue, in cities, (in the past from both paint and gas fumes), and several friends have had lead poisoning.