We learned that the Aussies had to go Out Back and feed those poor little sheep kiwis to keep them alive.

'Fess up, Jackie, you're one of those Yanks who thought that the Sydney Harbour Bridge links Sydney and Auckland, aren't you? "Aussies feeding their sheep kiwis" - pray, tell, where would these Aussies obtain the kiwis? It's really hard for me to write "kiwis" since I have got so used to following the accepted standard Maori usage that does not add "s" to plurals - hence one Maori, two Maori, one kiwi, two kiwi. "Kiwi" on the other hand, as a designation for NZers, that we do owe to Aussies. It was first used by Aussie diggers in the ANZAC campaigns, and stuck. Having become Anglicised, "Kiwi" does get an "s" - I am one of nearly four million Kiwis.