Dear FF: There can be a brief but appealing period of skepticism in the young. Of all too short duration. One day while walking to the beach with my kids, the next to oldest girl announced that she wanted the middle swing at the beach. I told her to remember that there might be another little girl already in it, so she might have to wait a bit. She said "You make her get off it." I said, "Her daddy might be bigger than I am." With the utmost conviction she replied "Oh, daddy, nobody's bigger than you are!"

Then there are adult skeptics. The guy across from me in Organic Chem lab mentioned that he had vacationed in Europe, spending several days in Budapest, and after visiting several museums, his friends talked him into going by himself to visit a local spiritualist, who was alleged to be remarkably successful in getting messages from departed family members.
He said he didn't believe in spirtualism. But they said:"You'll be surprised about the things he can tell you about your great-grandparents." Having nothing better to do that afternoon, he decided to go.
He went alone. There was no answer to the doorbell, but he tried the knob, and found the door to be unlocked. So he went in, and knocked on the door that bore the spiritualist's name. Again, there was no response. He noticed a large gong with a mallet hanging beside it, and took the mallet and hit the gong very hard. Instantly the door opened, and there stood a little wizened male grinning at him. "So I punched him in the mouth as hard as I could." "What in hell did you do that for?" My mother told me always to strike a happy medium."