the more your read about the case, the sadder it is. she had gone to doctors for help.. but most looked at the facts, 4 boys, under the age of 5, and well, of course she was tired, and depressed and had a hard time consentrating, and yes, it was natural to think you couldn't cope.

her husband has stayed by her side, and been supportive. i think their deep religious values impared there ability to see the situation. many religious people truly believe that god won't let you down. just pray harder.

she had real, organic brain disease. that is what schizophrenia is. and she had a chemical imbalance from pregnancy-- i suspect these combined to make it hard for her to effective communicate how ill she was. Still she had sought out help, and her health coverage allowed 5 (or was it 7?) sessions.

people don't want to see that family members are sick. (especially mental illness. there is such a stigma attached.)

idealy, he should have done more, been more aware. reality is, he didn't want to admit to himself how bad things were. its hard to know how you would have behaved. how much would you have just chalked up to just a complaining wife. which of us hasn't at least once mistaken something serious for something mild? most times, the consiquences aren't as serious.

i have a friend who almost died of a hang nail .. she didn't think a 'little infection" in a hang nail was a big deal! but it went septic. she required surgery to have it drained, and had a reaction to the anestesia.. and went into heart failure! for a hang nail! fortunately, she survived, but how little it takes to end a life.