re:I'm sure others have their own favorite examples of techno-regressive advances. But the loss of the fireplace, that wood-smoking, log-crackling, soul-warming, hearth-burning fireplace ... is mine.

I've only had two fires in my fireplace in the past 4 years. its a drag collecting the wood, drying it, spliting it, and carrying it into the house (with all the spiders and crickets that nest in the wood pile,) cleaning up the ashes..

i have a fire layed, fully dried, split white oak. but i don't want to light a fire if its too cold out.. (all the heat goes up the chimney.) and i don't want to light a fire if i am by myself (too much work) and again, i don't want one when all the family is around.. not safe with toddlers.. come visit me -- and well sit by the fire side, and sip cocoa (or cognac!)

my favorite anachonistic tool (and fortunately still available,) is a dip pen and fine ink! i mostly buy bottled ink.. but i have pulverized batchelor buttons in alcohol, to make a azure blue ink, and boiled onion skins, and reduced the liquid till i had dark golden yellow. but good ink is cheap compared to the time you need to make it. (my stick of chinese ink, has lasted me most of my life!-- what a value for $7(a lot of money in late '60's!)