Hello, lovely plutarch. I am so glad to see you posting again, my friend! This has been brought up before, but...computers, in some circumstances. Ever hit a check-out register when there was a problem and the clerk couldn't fix it? No more can they simply hand you your change and let you be on your way. And, the other day I went to a new medical office. I signed in, and was told to go back out in the hall and around a couple of corners to have my info. entered into the computer system. Off the lobby, I found two tiny offices, just big enough for one desk. So I got all entered, and went back to where I'd initially signed in. The nurse was astonished that I'd come back so quickly (it was the end of the day, is prolly why). She said these two ladies do the computer inputting for no less than four offices in that building and that most of the time patients have to wait for hours to get their computer work processed. Geez!