This is all I could locate on the web about Eddie lawrence so far that has enough information to paste over. I was hoping to find some of his old routines in print. Evidently there are also some MP3 recordings of his comedy routines from the '50s available if you wanna dig for them.

Site's titled: Notes from Me, but the url is endless (I've got it bookmarked if anyone wants it)

The tall, long-limbed male dancer is the late Will B. Able, who appeared for years in TV variety shows and kids' specials. And one of the burley-Q comics is played by the wonderful Eddie Lawrence. Eddie, with whom I had the joy of working once, is a multi-talented gent. He has written for and starred on Broadway...he has done cartoon voices and he paints (he inherited the studio of his dear pal, Zero Mostel). Beyond all that, he's best known for the comedy records on which he played his immortal character, The Old Philosopher. ("Is that what's botherin' you, Bunky?")