Then there is the guy my husband works with...the power was out overnight and was still out come morning. Now, Kevin didn't want to be late for work but his car was in the garage and the door opener wouldn't work without electric. Being the smart fellow he is, he unscrewed the garage door opener from the ceiling and disconnected it, taking down the chain, et al, so that the door would move. He ended up just a few minutes late for work, but with a smile on his face, proud of his accomplishment. When my husband noticed him sneak in, he asked what had happened. Kevin told the story of his superior intelligence in getting out of the garage. Joe just looked at him. "Kevin, did you notice a red handle hanging down?" "Yep, what's it for?" "Did you read the tag on it?" "No, I didn't have time. What does it say?"?" "It says: 'Pull to release door in a power outage.' "