...lives across the tracts

Would those be the Bible tracts? -AnnaStrophic

Dear Missus Mean Asp,

Yes, I have a speech impediment. How indelicate of you to notice. I can't pronounce my ca...ca...K es. Missus belMardut noticed but she tempered her wit with kindness. You see, when I was none-years-old my mother left town. Her name was cu...cu...Kate.

Oh stop it. Cry no tears for me. I have turned my handicap into a blessing. I help others.

Do you know what I would do if I was lucky enough to live down the hallway from a rhematic maven such as Faldage? I would submit all my writings to him for perusal. Then, only after his edit and approval would I post them to a larger world.

Uh oh...here comes Mister Milum. If he catches me fooling around with his computer he will hit me with a boo...boo...Book.

