Hi Bingley (I can't help but think of you in italics) ~

For a while, I was exhibiting symptoms of Carpal Tunnel, and I was able to reverse it through deep-tissue massage and adoption of a split ergonomic keyboard with a touch pad in place of a mouse (in my case, the mouse seemed to be the bulk of the problem). Being that your issue has been identified as neural, deep tissue work would be more likely to aggravate than help.

*However* - on the subject of keyboards, it's fascinating what ergo-engineers (Is that a coined word I see before me?) have been able to come up with. Apart from the split keyboard, there are a million other options: bowl-shaped keyboards for one-handed typing, bowl-shaped splits for two hands (see http://www.dmb-ergonomics.com/kinesis.jpg), and a one-hand, handheld chording keyboard called the Twiddler that requires relearning typing to some extent - I think of it like a Braille writer or a court reporting machine or an accordian... it relies on fingering combinations that are affiliated with each particular letter. http://www.handykey.com There's another called the BAT too. http://www.infogrip.com Both are easy to learn and *very* comfortable to use.

I've known people working on voice recognition software, and all indications are that it's way behind the curve. Anyone on Board have any direct knowledge of it? PM me if you'd prefer - I'm curious about its development.

Hope you're able to alleviate the discomfort, Bingley! And get back aBoard soon!