Well, since Dr. Bill ventured to lapse into humor here , let me share a little anectdote I was saving:

In '86 when I first worked in Atlantic City, I was employed in slot promotions at the Claridge Casino/Hotel. At that time their marketing campaign centered around the material of an old comedian, Eddie Lawrence, who billed himself as "The Old Foolosopher." He had a character and a vast repertoire of sayings (ala Rodney Dangerfield's "ain't got no repsect" focus) centered on his fractured philosophy. A sample might go like this (always said with a patronizingly sad and understanding tone): "You say the days never seem to get better but only get worse, that your wife just ran off with the postman in your brand new car, that your nearest bus stop is three miles away, that taxi drivers will never let you in when they see your face, and your dog just peed on your left foot...is that what's bothering you, Bunky?"
("is that what's bothering you, Bunky?" is the catch-phrase repeated at the end of every scenario).
So...the marketing department decided that "Bunky" would become their mascot-character! He was drawn as a little guy similar to the old gent on Monopoly cards. I worked in the Bunky Booth, we had coupons called Bunky Bucks, we had a Bunky Lounge, and there was actually a guy in a papier maché Bunky suit who walked around all day and night as the character!

No one really knows where The Old Foolosopher got "Bunky" from...

Now how's that for a load of real bunk?