History is more or less bunk. - Henry Ford

Leakey vs. Johanson is regarded as one of the Great Feuds in Science : Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever, by Hal Hellman, about which this can be found: excellent popular debunking of "story book" science history... Hellman presents us with a well written and carefully researched series of entertaining profiles about some notable debates in science (both old and current). These are informative and fun to read, but perhaps their greatest value for lay readers is in revealing the all-too human sides of the combatants. This discredits the "Story Book" version of science so often given in texts wherein noble scientists are portrayed as unblemished heroes fighting to bring light into the darkness against a purely non-scientific opposition. Here we see that even great scientists often squabble with one another and that they seldom epitomize rationality and objectivity.
