I don't believe that's a fact at all.

(For the purposes of this discussion, I assume that creationism refers to "young earth creationism" and not some old earth creationism.)

I think the vast preponderance of evidence points toward evolution. I think the vast majority of scientists consider evolution both the scientific theory with the greatest explanatory power and a collection of facts making some variation of the theory almost inescapable.

Further, I think that evolution, even if it is false, is still science. I think that creationism, even if it is true, is not.

This is not to say that I approve of the ridicule some "defenders of the faith" (Stephen Gould, e.g.) have used against creationists. (I don't recall the exact quote, but my poor memory recalls something like "If 95% of what I say against creationism is ridicule it's only because 95% of it is ridiculous.")

The very first message I ever posted on the net some twenty years ago was on this subject and I've written volumes since. I'm about argued out, but I state my undefended opinion. (Please don't infer anything about my opinions beyond what I've stated, though. I do not, for example, believe it is right or wise to foist evolution onto the children of those who do not approve of it.)
