Perhaps the number 42 indicated how many years it would be until you die, Wordwind, which would give you two years. I know, I'm morbid. But it shows how numbers can easily be manipulated to serve a certain purpose.

A German film called "23" talks about the 'Illuminator' and the number 23 as being key to the universe (human chromosones, M. Jordan's team number and so on). In the film, based on a true story by the way , the hero eventually falls into complete paranoia while secretly computer hacking for the Russian government. A classy film which I recommend to most. Another film that deals with this topic is of course, Pi. This film I would not necessarily recommend to the faint-hearted, but is a mature look at the use and significance of mathematics. This time the key is a 232 digit integer which can explain the maddening complexity of Pi found within a fundamental and simple form - the circle. The film is, imho, one of the most outstanding from the last decade. The director's newer work, 'A Requiem for a Dream' delves into the subject of addiction, and shows such superficial bubble-gum drug commentary like 'Traffic' up for what it really is.