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I've found that if Word changes a word on you, you can just go past the word and then come back to it changing what you need and then just click back to where you were. It will only change a word when you press Enter or the space bar, so if you change a word and don't press one of these, then it will stay how you want it.

I've often found that when putting in an abbreviation with a period at the end it will capitalize the next word you type thinking that it's a new sentence. Just by letting it do this and coming back to the word you can get rid of this problem.

The way to stop the bloody thing from doing it once and for all is as follows:

1. Go to Tools -- Autocorrect
2. If you don't want it to automatically capitalise after a full stop untick the box marked Capitalise first letter of sentence.
3. To stop it making unwanted "corrections" to your deathless prose, scroll down the list at the bottom until you find the correction and then select it. Press delete.

Now, can someone tell me how, when I start a new line after writing a date, to stop it from putting in that day's date? For example if, today, 4 September 2000, I write 31 August 2000 and then start a new line it automatically puts 31 August 2000-9-4 or something equally unwanted.

