nutcase ... sicko ... psycho ... but not a debunker
I checked out the meaning of "debunk" and you guys are 100% correct ... on ALL counts. A debunker is one who exposes a falsehood, for example, a miraculous drug. A "debunker of the holocaust" is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. BTW the derivation of "debunk" is quite interesting. It goes back to the 1820s when a Congressman by the name of Walker, representing a District in North Carolina known as Buncombe, persisted in making an empty speech in spite of protests. Afterwards, Walker defended his speech saying he felt the need "to speak for Buncombe". Buncombe was shortened to "bunkum" and later to "bunk". Hence, a "debunker" is one who exposes "bunk". One who speaks "bunk" is not a "debunker" but a perpetrator of "bunk", some of it harmless, even amusing, some of it injurious, even criminal, such as a denier of the Holocaust.
What should we call such a person, a probunker?
Or perhaps a bunkerator?