In reply to:

my peeve is the e e cummings style, which I find suggests at best laziness and at worse disrespect, sloppiness, ignorance

*ahem*, wofa! our tsuwm isn't gonna like that.

now, getting back to the original question: i suspect as usual i misinterpreted it, but i understood ASp to be querying not necessarily what peeves us but rather which specific word(s) have weasled their way from our keyboard to our spoken language (so i'll answer accordingly):

similar to your "yikes", i've found myself lately saying both "drat" and "rats", which i never once uttered til i started using them after nearly every failed online bridge finesse i'll thank you not to comment here, either, sparteye [*cough*]

i find it particularly amusing that when someone IRL says something not-all-that-funny but clearly intended to be, instead of a courtesy laugh my initial unconscious inclination is to say "ell oh ell". and since we're on the subject, i find anything exceeding the most chary sprinklings of "LOL" into internet conversations to be rather tedious, so i've adopted "heh" instead... i hope it catches on =)