My least favorite internet word is Newbie. I think it's because I saw the word used so many times by people I would consider neophytes trying to put down people who are just starting.

I'm not fond of infobahn, but fortunately haven't seen it used in a long time.

Pie-hole is pretty stupid, as in "shut yer ~." It strikes me as equivalent to shaking one's finger in another person's face or that infantile "talk to the hand" fad. (Not sure that the word originated on the net, but that's where I saw it first used.)

Hacker when used as a pejorative or to describe a 12 year old with a new modem and who just learned to download a war script and modify it by changing the comments.

I'm kinda cold on most words prefaced by cyber.

I know it's bland, but I really like some strict computerese - words like C++, unix, and java.

I like the terms snail mail and email.

I like the words netiquette and netizen.

I love FAQ, the word and the idea. I also like a lot of the other abbreviations and hope they can be carried over into conventional writing.

Ping meaning to check with someone is good.

Distance Learning is good, too.
