équivoque adj. et n. f.

I. adj. 1. Susceptible de plusieurs interprétations. Comportement équivoque. Termes équivoques. 2. Péjor. Qui n'inspire pas confiance. Réputation, allure équivoque. Syn. louche, suspect. II. n. f. Expression, situation
laissant dans l'incertitude. Parler, agir sans équivoque. Syn. ambiguïté.

Ah, louche.

This was the word of the day way back on July 16th last year.

louche (loosh) adjective

Of questionable character; dubious; disreputable.

[From French louche, cross-eyed, from Old French lousche, feminine of lois,
from Latin lusca, feminine of luscus, one-eyed.]

Would perjury have emanated from the French word Péjor?