Middle aged men in Britain (and elsewhere) go misty-eyed still at any mention of The Goon Show.

You young whippersnapper!

Middle-aged men in most of the English (as opposed to American) speaking world go misty-eyed still at any mention of The Goon Show.

I was thinking about Spike, Michael, Peter and Harry on my way to work this morning, when the radio station I was half-pie listening to (one of the local FM crap-rock stations) played part of an interview with Spike from about 10 years ago. The M1 and I were parted, mentally, as I listened to him take the piss out of the interviewer, who was some kind of pseudo-intellectual youngster for whom The Wombles probably represented the heights of British humour.

The Goon Show represented the best of British humour. In my opinion, only Marty Feldman really followed that crazy anarchic tradition. The Monty Python approach was completely different. Does anyone remember Marty's film "Every Home Should Have One"? Truly goonish!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...