text based game called adventure

As it is one of my recent interests, I should add that the genre of "text-based games" is still alive and well, but these days is usually called "interactive fiction" (or IF). The new masterpieces of IF are created by hobbyists who spend months if not years writing and coding intricate "games" and then release them as freeware to a small community of fans. Today's "games" range from the traditional puzzle-based quests (like "Curses" and "Anchorhead") to more narrative or atmospheric pieces (like "Photopia" or "Galatea").

If you'd like more info about interactive fiction, please PM me or check out SPAG (the Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games) at http://www.sparkynet.com/spag/frame.html or XYZZYnews (XYZZY was a "magic word" in "Adventure/Colossal Cave") at http://www.xyzzynews.com.