Dear WonderWoman,

You, my dear, would love it. What with your penchant for the creative, you would be intellectually slapped hard with what this movie has to say. Trust me you should put this film near the top of the list of things that you must.

But as I was gonna tell Rubrick, I don't want to give the plot away and spoil the impact for others. But I will draw a parallel with what I see as the Moment of Epiphany in the movie Eyes Wired Shut. I'm a bit of a prude and have a reputation for walking out of movies that I consider profane. Several times I almost walked out during Eyes Wide Shut but, maybe it was Nicole Kidman in her underwear, didn't. And when she said "____" at the end, I said, "Ah HA"!

The full insight of this movie I am still considering but mainly it was a cathartic experience that succeeded in de-sexing sex.

The movie that I don't know the name of, did the same thing with the imagination of the human mind, in particular of fiction writers and poets.