The Shamrock, the Triton, the Pyramids (their sides are geometeric triangles), The Three Musketeers, The Third Eye, Three Blind Mice, Babe Ruth wore number 3, The Tolkien Trilogy.

In numerology 3 is the number of creativity/but can lapse into indecision. How well I birthpath number is 3.

This numbering system is inherent in nature. It was first laid down by Fibonacci 900 years ago. So it's far from a coincidence that is used so widely. People think in threes and fives. All nature derives from these numbers too. Leaves on a tree are divided into three and five segments (so it is impossible to have a four-leaf clover).

Doodle on the phone and you will draw a triangle or a pentacle. Think of a number between one and ten (or one and a hundred) and you will inevitably pick a fibonacci number. Give it a go. Your nature will overcome your conscious.

Writers and mathematicians, musicians and artists are inspired by the number three. In art you have the 'rule of thirds', musicians have lond preferred the three-time and writers love the number three. Include in your list of books The Third Man and The Thirty-nine steps. Most successful plots involve three central characters and are broken into three acts or scenes.

Mathematicians are mostly concerned by triangles and cubed numbers. Architects follow onto this by using triangulation to survey and to design.

It is no wonder that we are obsessed with the number three!!