In medieval times Jerusalem, i.e., East, used to be at the top

I have a few ideas.
1. Similarily to what another person said here. It all depends on where you're facing. If you step outside and your front door faces (for fun let's say) west, that's the direction you'll map to the top of your house. Then you move around the block and (as someone else mentioned) end up with a map that has your house in the middle. Such a way of picking the direction might account for the Top is East in medieval Jerusalem.

2. Another reason might be: how comfortable are you with the sun? In the northern hemisphere--the shadow on a sundial would point more to the north. In the southern hemisphere--the shadow would point to the south. Would you rather be facing the sun, or have it behind you (in reference with point 2)? Also, where would you want the sun to rise, and where to set?

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