Wow, what an astounding array of information on glass. I knew that glass was a very viscous liquid (at least most glass) and always wondered about how much activity really occurs in a pane over the years, so thanks for that info stales.

I don't really know too much about physical glass, but I was so intrigued, that I decided to look it up for yet further clarification:

'Any of a large class of materials with highly variable mechanical and optical properties that solidify from the molten state without crystallization, are typically made by silicates fusing with boric oxide, aluminum oxide, or phosphorus pentoxide, are generally hard, brittle, and transparent or translucent, and are considered to be supercooled liquids rather than true solids.' AHD

Glass is also the name of a famous American minimalist, (Philip), who wrote a piece for 12 keyboards, and during the first performance thereof a lady started screaming and there was an awful ruckus the likes of which hadn't been seen since 'The Rite of Spring' debut.