Since you asked...

I've hesitated to enter this fray, but I have no agenda other than to maintain this as a refuge of intellectual inquiry and good-natured banter. I'm an infrequent poster too, and I've taken my sweet time attaining addict status, even though I've been addicted since I first looked in on the Board. I have, however, read almost every post that's been made since last January (flatliners unite!) and I've seen some squabbles erupt periodically, but nothing that didn't settle down in due time.

This, however, is entirely unlike that.

I was astonished to see your amused response to tsuwm's post of the 12 Commandments of Flaming. Didn't you see yourself in them at all? I don't presume to know tsuwm's intent, but I saw your actions reflected in almost all of the points made therein.

I don't understand what you're trying to prove. And I don't understand how continuing this tidal wave of venom is making anything better for you or anyone else. I've never had any personal interchange with you to make me a target for your anger, but I feel relatively certain that's about to change.