I've beginning to suspect you are dealing with some deep-seated psychological issues that creating disputes on this board is not going to help. While that's none of my business, I do note you've managed to blow things out of proportion and managed to fight with at least a dozen of us for reasons I cannot fathom. Every single dispute currently on this board involves you. Perhaps you should (re-)read "I'm OK, You're OK" and stop and reflect. You've brought discord to this board and I for one would be happy to see you depart [E.A.] until you've gotten some professional help /meds, whatever it takes (it took meds for me, I'm not ashamed to admit. Depression and other mental illnesses are REAL and should be treated). Right now your behavior is that of a self-serving hypocrite (insulting one minute, sucking up the next) and you are ruining things for those of us who would like to discuss words. I also do not intend to address you again until you do something about this.